Anthony Otto
Retired Attorney

Tony Otto with his assistant for nearly 29 years, Karen Alfano
I retired from the active practice of law on June 30, 2022 after 42 years.
You can reach me at the contact information below if:
- You have a pending matter
- You are a former client needing legal help; I am willing to discuss your issue and make sure you connect with the right attorney to help you from here forward
- You are a friend
P.O. Box 1368, Port Orchard, WA 98366
(360) 876-5566
If you are visiting this website for a new legal matter, I cannot help you.
Law Practice Highlights
In my 42 years actively practicing law, I was a deputy prosecutor, criminal defense attorney, guardian ad litem, appellate attorney, divorce and custody attorney, civil rights attorney, and ventured into a few other sundry areas of law as the need arose. For the past 20 years, I was largely limited to personal injury plaintiff’s work for injuries of all kinds.
My biggest professional thrill was accomplishing a jury verdict of acquittal for a client facing life in prison without the possibility of parole. He walked out of the courtroom with me and was never in trouble again. He called to thank me every year for the next twenty years until he passed away of old age. There have been many other highlights, but that one was hard to match.
I have enjoyed being a trial lawyer. Trial lawyers are on the cutting edge of society, enforcing the rule of law. I won more than my share, but there are tough cases for which I had hope for my clients and fell short. Any lawyer who claims never to have lost a case has never tried a case, or not tried more than a few, or only taken the fall-off-a-log simple cases. To try a case takes courage and risk. I admire one client who rejected a plea offer of 15 months and facing fifteen years in prison, because he was innocent, tossed the dice and won at trial. He, too, walked out of court with me. Not everyone will pass that test of character. Compromise too often is the easy path.
I have enjoyed serving so many people over the years. What I enjoyed most in the practice of law was getting to meet and know people in a deep and meaningful way. Many matters require only superficial contact with the lawyer, but many others, far more serious matters, require deep, personal conversations about life and loss. I have represented people from all walks of life, from the very, very wealthy to the homeless, from frail and gentle elderly ladies to outlaw bikers, and those who have done, and are doing, hard time. Most of my clients came to me under terrible circumstances, facing serious criminal sanctions, or having their lives upended by devastating injury to themselves or their loved ones. In such a crucible, it is easy to forge a deep relationship. Many have become my friends. Some are still in touch, and others have lost contact, but they will always have a place in my heart. Most people, it is said, hate lawyers, except for their own.
Now it is time for me to engage in those things for which I have not had time. There may be some travel and also deeper engagement in my community. And, oh yes: fishing, golfing, biking, hiking, skiing, reading, writing, playing soccer, and family.